The Magician Christian

We have someone who will win the hearts of the young audience 100% - this is a positive and mysterious magician Christian! The art of illusion has always excited the imagination of viewers, who watch every movement of the master's hands with bated breath.

The program is full of unique actions with the appearance of live birds, a white rabbit, game cards and coins literally out of thin air. Our magician Christian on the children's holiday will present an extraordinary sleight of hand, thereby arranging an unforgettable celebration for young creatures. This kind of mobile performance can be performed anywhere: at home in an apartment, in a kindergarten, in a school hall, in a cafeteria, in a restaurant, and even on an outdoor outdoor platform.

One wave of the handkerchief – and as if by a breath of wind, a miracle happened!

Any corporate event contains small pauses in the process of submitting the main program. Agency "DUBAI-KIDS.COM" offers to fill the half-hour gap with a number that will surprise all guests and best decorate your celebration. Our magician Christian comes with a lot of healthy humor for a child's birthday, so there will be plenty of comedic fun.

How can a dove fly out of a picture or scarf? How did a bottle of lemonade come to be made out of a handkerchief? Where do small objects disappear unnoticed, and then how do they appear from unexpected places? A storm of applause accompanies each trick demonstrated, which even adults cannot find explanations in the audience. Unrestrained-our customers ' praiseworthy reviews of a high-quality show already speak volumes!

Order the magician Christian and enjoy an unusual performance of an artist of the original genre

The illusion program, which lasts 35 minutes according to the rules, will keep the attention of even the most restless kids. A spectacular show is accompanied by mesmerizing music, which further enhances the impression of what you see. The magician skillfully manipulates cards, coins and small objects, while communicating with a young audience at ease.

At the end of the magic story, a fluffy rabbit appears out of a balloon to everyone's delight, which can be petted and held in their hands. The magician Christian on a children's Birthday will introduce the birthday boy and his guests to the complex world of manual manipulation, as well as reveal some secrets of his special props with a secret.

Professional magician Christian in kindergarten-a surprise that kids will be very happy about!

Watching magic tricks is not only an interesting pastime with wide smiles on their faces, but also the development of concentration and patience in a young child. Our talented trickster is able to pleasantly impress everyone gathered at the festival, including caregivers, moms and dads.

When the magician Christian performs tricks in kindergarten, timid and shy toddlers will become direct assistants to the great wizard, which will liberate them. Little helpers couldn't even dream of such happiness! At the end of the event, the children will try to repeat the memorable tricks, wanting to get closer to solving the mysterious tricks on their own.

Christian the magician in elementary school: a bright exit, surprised eyes and real miracles

Prom night in this special style will appeal to students and their families. A set of unique magic tricks using magic props and magic words in the manner of "krex-pex-fex" will bring the audience to a real delight. Entertaining the children, the charming host will create a fairy-tale atmosphere in the hall and find ways to surprise everyone.

After meeting the magician Christian in elementary school, all the rulers will turn into magic wands, and pigeons and rabbits will be "shaken out" of workbooks. But even if for some reason something does not work out, young magicians should not be upset, because magic needs to be trained for a long time and rehearsed many times.

Magician Christian will bring gifts for everyone for the New Year

When there is a reason to get together in a friendly company, it is a great idea to invite an unusual guest to the children under the shining lights of the Christmas tree. The cost of services of a skilled magician Christian for the New Year is not something exorbitant, so parents do not need to focus their attention on the price. Our master's degree will cause the pranksters gathered at the event an exorbitant excitement.

Perhaps this colorful character will slightly open the curtain of his short, but informative and consistently awesome number. In this case, there will be no yawning and bored faces in the audience, and even more so, even the sophisticated viewer will have something to look at and be surprised by. To see firsthand something that at first glance does not lend itself to common logic-it's really cool!

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Reviews The Magician Christian

Svetlana 29 сен 2017 в 13:15
A magician for a child's birthday!
I want to express my gratitude for saving the holiday and finding a magician for my daughter's birthday in one day. I thought it wasn't possible, but thanks to the prompt and clear work of manager Nikolai, it turned out to be possible!
The magician Christian charmed not only our young children, but also adult guests and even employees of the restaurant. Everyone was very impressed! The child was laughing so hard! It was professional, but somewhere very funny and cute.
We will definitely contact this children's holiday studio again next year.
Natalya 17 окт 2017 в 23:53
Magician for children
Good afternoon! We ordered Christian the magician for a children's birthday party and a game program. Our kids really enjoyed the holiday! Very funny, with a sense of humor artists spent it perfectly!!! The magician also made an impression on them, for a long time later they discussed how he did it all! Well, the white rabbit melted the hearts of even the boys!

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