The Magician Marcel

The most real magic is ready to present at the children's celebration magician Marcel! The entertainment and illusion program will give little kids a lot of pleasant emotions and leave the brightest moments in their memory. A vivid performance is not limited to showing a couple of tricks – children will be able to enjoy a full-fledged number, which magician Marcel will hold at the highest level for the child's birthday.

There will be no limits to the surprise of boys and girls, because everything they see is nothing more than a fairy tale created by the hands of a master of wonderful transformations. A professional in his field will demonstrate to the restless ones:

  1. Composition with foam balls
  2. Composition with coins
  3. Handkerchief + streamer
  4. Flying table
  5. Composition with ropes
  6. Raccoon (toy)
  7. Money Trick
  8. Animated drawing
  9. Torn up and restored newspaper
  10. Snow storm

Skilfully manipulating with two hands, the magician Marcel on a children's holiday will lead everyone present in the hall astray, which will become the subject of long discussions later. "How is this possible?" – this question will sound in the thoughts of every guest at the event. But when the eyes see, the subconscious mind seems to pull away. The incredible illusion must be explained on the basis of physical phenomena known to science with the participation of psychological effects on the young public.

Need to order the magician Marcel in a cafe or restaurant? – No problem!

Stylish, smiling, in a good mood, pleasant appearance, young and talented-this is the magician Marcel, who performs at children's corporate events on behalf of the agency "DUBAI-KIDS.COM". A spectacular show built on complex manipulations and accompanied by music tracks will cause your bloodlines a storm of delight. Moreover, those who wish will be able to take a direct part in the performance of magic tricks and feel like magicians.

Natural magic, built on the sudden disappearance and unexpected appearance of objects, will inspire curious pochyuchek and make them happy dreamers. Funny tricks have never left anyone indifferent and every spectator will want to look behind the mysterious curtain and reveal the secrets of the illusionist.

Nothing but riddles!

Amazing tricks are hard work, honed to the smallest subtleties, and as a result-children and their parents can enjoy a great program! Therefore, if you want to see boundless joy in the eyes of your child, do not hesitate for a long time and hurry to call the magician Marcel at home or at any other place of the holiday.

With the help of a set of simple items that make up the artist's creative props, an experienced illusionist will present mind-blowing transformations for everyone to see. But the most interesting thing is that the toddlers will be able to touch everything and look everywhere to make sure that what is happening before their eyes is magic!

Magician Marcel in kindergarten will create a mega pleasant stir

Waiting for a miracle is a very familiar condition for preschoolers who constantly dream of something incredible and cosmic. To satisfy the imagination of young science fiction writers, we offer to take advantage of a real opportunity and order the magician Marcel in the cafe or restaurant where the matinee is planned.

For an event of any subject, this small but meaningful addition will be the most memorable part of the holiday. The mysterious guest will pay attention to the young audience and offer the children to be his assistants, which the toddlers will be very happy about.

Magician Marcel in elementary school: a flying show is guaranteed!

Stormy applause in the audience is something that never passes the illusion number of this mysterious guest at a children's celebration. In addition, the children's faces will clearly show bewilderment mixed with joy at what is happening. A couple of magic words of spells - and a miracle is sure to happen! The master of a special category of circus art will strengthen the children's faith in the existence of magic, which the magician Marcel will be happy to present to them. Caring parents should not pass by such a super cool offer, especially since the price of the service is quite acceptable.

Magician Marcel for the New Year will conquer everyone!

Unforgettable is the most important epithet that most accurately describes the program of the magician Marcel for the New Year. The original illusion genre is the most striking component of any event. The master of good and harmless "deception" will win the hearts of little observers with his polished performance. In his hands, the incredible happens, and ordinary things in front of a young audience create the very magic that children dream of on New Year's Eve. The wizard's performance will be the highlight of the evening and will leave behind exceptionally warm memories.

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