
Unusual robots that have a soul, this is exactly how they appear before the eyes of people, transformers. They came to Earth to save humanity and for this they need to overcome the Decepticons. The main characters in the saga are Bumblebee and Optimus Prime. They are strong and fair, they help people, even at the cost of their lives. Such a hero will be a wonderful surprise for the birthday boy and guests, if you invite him to a children's party. Children will be delighted and happy, but also for adults, this is an example to follow.

How the Rescuers of the Galaxy were born

The American company" Hasbro", which produces toys, has created new characters-transformers. The developers have given the heroes a lot of different functions and features. To promote a new product and increase sales, a series of comics is being produced and the animated series "Transformers"is being filmed. But drastic changes occurred only after the release of the film of the same name. The heroes became world-famous. Optimus Prime, became a role model, every child wanted to have such a toy. Bumblebee is the best friend, loyal and honest, who will protect you to the last.

The film was executive produced by Steven Spielberg and directed by Michael Bay. These two people made Transformers famous and popular, far beyond the borders of the United States. They came up with a story that centers on a teenage boy and his new car, which is also the loyal autobot Bumblebee. After getting acquainted with the first transformer, the main character learns about another universe, and the confrontation with the Decepticons. The story of transformers is a story in which good conquers evil, and true friendship is the most important thing.

The most interesting thing from the history of creating transformers

In the first version of the script, the robots did not have the ability to talk. It didn't seem very appropriate and the idea was abandoned.

The first slogan of the film is " Their war. Our World" is the slogan of another world-famous film "Alien vs Predator". Over time, it was changed, and it began to sound like " Whoever won... we lost."

In order to save more money for the creation of the film, the director refused 30 % of his fee, in favor of the budget of the tape. Thanks to this broad gesture, it became possible to create incredible special effects and enlist the support of the army. The military gave the filmmakers a lot of ground equipment and aircraft at their disposal.

Despite the fact that most of the Autobot scenes were created using computer graphics, the five-meter-tall Bumblebee robot was real. It, along with several other props such as the head of Optimus Prime and Megatron's icy feet, were used during filming.

In the scene where Skorponk jumps out of the sand and begins to fight with soldiers, real explosives were placed under the sand layer. For the main characters, this was a real threat, because they were very close. Running away from the Scorpion, the actors have a terrible panic on their faces, and it's real, because in this scene they could have been really injured.





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