Painting pictures with colored sand is fascinating, interesting and entertaining. Make your holiday for kids unforgettable! More detailed
Order our origami workshop in Dubai. This is not only entertainment, but also benefits for the development of children! More detailed
At the wool felting master class, children make cool crafts from felt, learn this interesting technique and learn a lot for themselves. Order, you won't regret it! More detailed
At this master class, kids learn how to make various figures from balloons. Entertainment for children, which develops attention, motor skills and gives a rest after stormy games. More detailed
At this master class, children learn how to create "holographic" paintings using foil, paints and pencils. Fascinating and educational, order! More detailed
At the master class, children make masks of various animals, learn a lot of new things for themselves and develop creative abilities. Order in Dubai for any children's holiday! More detailed
Excavation of ancient civilizations and search for treasures, with the help of a whole arsenal for young archaeologists! None of the children remains indifferent, because it's so interesting and exciting! More detailed
Making mosaic toys is so exciting for kids that they just can't tear themselves away! Develops motor skills and improves color perception. Young "artists" will be simply delighted, order! More detailed
At the master class, kids create unique paintings by coloring engravings in different colors. Such an activity is not only fascinating, but also informative and educational. We are waiting for your orders! More detailed
A cooking lesson is a good addition to any children's holiday! We will teach kids how to cook delicious pizza and cookies, diversifying the celebration with an interesting and exciting activity. More detailed
A lesson on modeling various figures and crafts is what children need for a little rest from games and contests, as well as an opportunity to show their creative abilities. More detailed
Book this wonderful master class for any children's holiday in Dubai. Let the kids feel like real artists-designers! More detailed
Order a lesson on creating a Venetian mask for a children's celebration in Dubai. Plunge together with the kids into the world of secrets of Italian art and feel the atmosphere of the carnival right at home! More detailed
"Soap Maker's Workshop" is a wonderful lesson in making soap with your own hands! We have a lot of ingredients in our arsenal that allow each kid to create their own original product. More detailed
"Stained glass applications" is a very useful and interesting lesson for kids. Working with decorative elements helps in the development of attentiveness and accuracy. Instills a love for the beautiful! More detailed
This wonderful lesson allows the child to create his own unique masterpiece, learn how to work with natural materials, helps to develop attention and accuracy. More detailed
A lesson on the decor of a wooden figurine will allow your kid to create his own unique composition! And most importantly: it helps to develop patience and perseverance and, of course, love for art in general. More detailed
At the "Hatter" master class, children create hats unique in their style, showing their creative abilities to the fullest! The lesson promotes the development of non-standard thinking, accuracy and attentiveness. More detailed
Children love to make different unusual crafts and they will like this lesson! From simple and seemingly unnecessary things, by the hands of young creators, original and beautiful souvenirs are created. More detailed
At the jewelry lesson, young beauties learn to make original jewelry from various accessories. It turns out very cool! And useful for development. More detailed
"Magic Fan" is a great lesson in decorating this ancient and beautiful accessory. In addition to making their masterpiece, the girls will learn the history of the creation of the fan, its varieties and application. More detailed
In this lesson, children learn how to decorate bracelets made of wood, creating unique and original masterpieces! The lesson promotes the development of creativity, accuracy and correct color perception. More detailed
Decorating photo frames is an opportunity for children to take a little break from games and contests at the holiday, show creativity and please dear parents with beautiful crafts. More detailed
Making headbands from artificial flowers is an excellent complement to the celebration of a little beauty. Girls will learn how to create unique accessories and will be able to relax from the stormy fun. More detailed
The creation and decoration of plaster figures fits well into the program of a children's celebration. Allows the kids to show their creativity and relax a little. More detailed
Decorating iPhone cases will perfectly complement any children's celebration. Kids show their imagination, developing accuracy and attention, creating their own unique masterpieces. More detailed
Kids really like creating herbaceous plants with their own hands! Thanks to this creative process, children learn to love nature and get a unique toy made by themselves. More detailed
This lesson allows you to mold your unique masterpiece from polymer material to each child present at the celebration, showing his talent in all its glory! More detailed
A lesson on painting stones will perfectly complement your celebration for children, allowing them to show their creative potential! Perfectly develops concentration and imagination, the guys learn a lot of new things. More detailed
Decorating glass is always an exciting activity! The lesson is useful for all kids, as it instills a sense of beauty, develops accuracy and concentration. More detailed
Creating felt jewelry with your own hands is a great lesson especially for young fashionistas! The process helps to develop imagination, aesthetic taste and attentiveness. More detailed
A lesson on decorating Chinese lanterns will bring notes of calm and tranquility after a stormy fun. Kids will relax, doing an interesting and exciting activity. More detailed
A lesson on decoupage of caskets, watches, candles and other items will fit the format of any children's celebration. And the decorating process itself is useful for the development of attentiveness and accuracy. More detailed
The lesson on weaving Russian folk toys allows children to join our ancient culture. This fascinating activity develops motor skills, attentiveness and allows children to take a break from games. More detailed
Decorating delicious treats, what could be better for a children's celebration! All the guests are happy, the parents are calm that the kids are not fussing, but busy with business. Order and delight your children! More detailed
Making bracelets from rubber bands is a great training for kids at a noisy celebration. Calms, occupies hands and develops motor skills. The child creates an original accessory for himself as a keepsake. More detailed
At the lesson on making baubles, kids create an original decoration with their own hands, showing their creative abilities. The lesson develops attentiveness, accuracy, teaches you to work with your hands. More detailed
Order this miracle training! Creating bouquets of sweets will make a splash at any children's celebration. Kids make delicious gifts for themselves - is it not a charm! More detailed
Master classes for children in Dubai
Instructive master classes for children will draw children into the world of applied arts. We have created author's master classes for a children's holiday, which will teach boys and girls something interesting and unusual.
Such additions to the main program of the party well develop imagination and sociability, teach logical thinking, develop fine motor skills of fingers, establish a friendly atmosphere even in an unfamiliar team. In any case, the memory of the fidget will remain indelible impressions.
It turns out that you can work with pleasure, and also without the teachings and edification of adults! We invite your toddlers to try out multiple types of applied art (for a full list, see the site's information list), including the most popular master classes for children:
- Decoupage (decoration of objects);
- Modeling from plasticine;
- Folding (making toys out of wool);
- Painting gingerbread with icing;
- Soap making;
- Quilling (paper spinning);
- Braiding Bracelets;
- Scrapbooking (design of photo albums);
- Origami (folding paper figures).
Real magicians of their craft will turn any event into an extravaganza of magic and enthusiasm. To do this, we have all the necessary tools and supplies that are already included in the service price. The result of hard work in the form of original crafts can be given to someone from relatives as a souvenir, or used as a decorative item in the interior of the house.
You can order a master class in Dubai, as well as with departure to Abu Dhabi, at home or in a restaurant, in kindergarten or school, in the office or in the country. We work on any platforms, as long as there is a stable and sufficiently free platform for a comfortable location of a noisy company pochemuchek.
Creating masterpieces in a playful way
Field master classes for children are held in an interactive form and represent an activity with game elements. The creative project manager will create a friendly atmosphere between the toddlers, excluding any rivalry. An experienced teacher-mentor will help children discover their talents and give them confidence in their abilities. Live communication will be relaxed without memorized phrases, which will allow young creatures to relax as much as possible and show their participation in the creative process.
You can order individual master classes for children's birthday, school graduation, kindergarten matinee, New Year's Eve, themed corporate events. Don't worry about your child getting their fancy suit or new dress dirty. We have taken full care of this issue – each child is provided with armbands, an apron, and gloves.
During the lesson, children will receive a lot of useful information in exactly the direction that the master class for children chosen by their parents represents. Creative lessons are designed for toddlers aged from 3 to 15 years old. We guarantee that whether it is needlework, culinary skills, clay crafts or artistic sketches on glass, field master classes for children will be a win-win option for greater saturation of the main holiday program.
Be sure to give your bloodline such a useful lesson that harmoniously combines entertainment, learning skills and just a fun time. Among our variety of offers, you will definitely have a lot to choose from. Focus your attention on the master class for children that best suits your child's interests.
An educational master class is an ideal pastime for children
Agency "DUBAI-KIDS.COM" gives your fidgets a chance to feel like young geniuses, and maybe find an educational hobby. Creating an unusual thing with your own hands is not only a lot of positive emotions, but also the accumulation of useful skills. After learning how to make fudge and use it to beautifully decorate ready-made gingerbread cakes, kids will be able to continue their culinary experiments at home.
Moms and dads will be happy to drink tea with such a delicious dessert! Or maybe you want to introduce your toddlers to the production of bast toys? The organization of creative master classes for children includes lessons representing the rich Russian culture. Souvenirs created in the form of traditional symbols will allow children to look at the modern world from a different angle.
The special value of any holiday is made up of photos of bright moments taken at the event. If you decide to order a master class in Dubai-gorgeous pictures to add to the family album are guaranteed! All children will be fully involved in the process of creating original souvenirs, and this process is accompanied by their joyful smiles and a great mood. Perhaps your student will find himself in the right place at the right time and find his vocation in life, and a master class for children will be a small start to his great journey.