Master class "Origami" (paper figures)

Origami Origami Origami Origami Origami

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The ancient skill of folding original animal figures from paper has long gained popularity in the modern world. Introduce your child to an exciting activity that came to us from Ancient China.

Experienced experts of unique creativity will help children get acquainted with the wonderful world of origami and diversify the children's holiday. Such entertainment helps to form perseverance. Logic and applied imagination will help you create an unusual craft yourself.

Origami master class for kids in Dubai

This is not only an exciting, but also a very useful activity that:

  • forces you to focus on the process and focus on getting results;
    shows various geometric shapes;
    develops work skills;
    develops your eyesight;
    help to create toys with your own hands-folded animals, ships and cars immediately turn into princesses, weapons of battle, etc., contributing to the creation of a game-friendly atmosphere;
    develops constructive thinking and imagination;
    helps you perform a task consciously;
    activates brain activity.

And this is not the whole list of useful advantages of such an activity. Regular origami folding leads to the full development of the baby.

Master class "Origami" for children's holiday in Dubai

Experts of the Agency's Children's Creative Development "DUBAI-KIDS.COM" they will tell an interesting story of origami's appearance. Conducting a master class on making origami not for the first time, our presenters will demonstrate examples of finished products, teach you how to decorate with additional components – rhinestones, ribbons, sequins.

You can order a master class on paper origami by calling +971 506327080 or by clicking on the button below. Agency Managers "DUBAI-KIDS.COM" they will tell you in detail what is included in the lesson, what is the price and other nuances.

The result of the entertainment and educational event will be a fascinating experience, a lot of positive impressions and a self-made craft.

Introduce your children to interesting techniques of working with paper, using scissors and glue, and get an unforgettable experience from working together in an exciting process.

Our presenters, having professional experience and specialized psychological education, will help the child to open up in creativity, improve memory and brain function.

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