Master class "Paintings made of colored sand"

Paintings of colored sand Paintings of colored sand Paintings of colored sand Paintings of colored sand Paintings of colored sand

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Creating such a card is a very interesting and unusual type of creative development of a child. Sand therapy will allow your child to get rid of worries and fears, not to mention the development of a creative streak.

For a small miracle, it is very important to get acquainted with new types of art – the more unusual, the better. The image obtained with the use of multi-colored sand is a cross between needlework and drawing.

Many peoples have long created magnificent images, developing patience and perseverance. Such frescoes in modern terms are striking and unusual, their creation is available for children from 3 years old.

Master class "Colored sand paintings" for children's holiday in Dubai

Drawing in this way is an original entertainment that can not leave kids indifferent and will decorate any children's holiday. In our work, we use bases with applied glue and images, and quartz sand painted with natural and safe paints.

"Paintings from colored sand" master class for children's birthday is an unusual activity that will bring a huge amount of bright emotions to all the guests of the celebration.

We invite children to get acquainted with the creation technique. We describe the features of color combinations and image construction rules. We will give each genius a special little gift.

Order a master class "Colored sand paintings" in the UAE

Studio "DUBAI-KIDS.COM" offers to hold this event on your territory or in the studio. The price, detailed information and all the nuances are available on our phones. All creative supplies are included in the price. In memory of the original entertainment, you will have an unusual colorful postcard that the little genius made on his own.

Click on the button below or call +971 506327080, we will be happy to diversify your holiday with such a bright creative activity.

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