Lego Show

Lego Show for Children's Day: truly constructive fun!

Lego is not just popular construction kits, games, and cartoons. This is a whole world filled with imagination, original ideas and endless opportunities for creativity. A Lego show for a children's holiday will be a wonderful gift for those who love everything colorful and unusual. The Lego party is sure to remain in the memory of toddlers and older children as one of the most exciting childhood events.

Lego show for a child's birthday in Dubai - an atmosphere of magic

At the Lego festival, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. It is as if the guests find themselves in a box with their favorite designer, enlarged hundreds of times. The following attributes are used for space design::

  • hot air balloons;
  • large, three-dimensional details of the ad builder;
  • themed posters and posters.

Even the treats on the tables are designed taking into account the peculiarities of the holiday. To make the Lego show for children's birthday truly colorful, guests are entertained by animators in funny costumes of the most famous characters from the cartoon of the same name. Special attention should be paid to colorful, original photo zones: images against the background of colorful details are very effective and realistic.

Lego New Year's Eve Show in the UAE

For the New Year, children are most often given constructors. Why not go even further and have a full-fledged Lego show for the New Year? It's so easy to believe in magic when your favorite characters come to life and come to the party themselves! In the game zone, you can show maximum imagination and together with the animators try to build another masterpiece from large details, for example, the symbol of the upcoming holiday - a Christmas tree.

No one will be bored at the theme party. And the most important thing is that after the holiday, no one will force the guests to put the toys in the box – we will do everything for you!

Is it difficult to arrange a Lego show for a child's birthday? Not if you entrust the organization to professionals! Agency "DUBAI-KIDS.COM" it will take care of all issues related to the design of the premises, the choice of costumes and necessary accessories for the holiday. An important advantage of a Lego party is that it can be held in any environment: at home, in kindergarten, at school, in a cafe. The number of guests and their age doesn't matter: animators know how to approach both toddlers and teenagers. Interesting contests, tasks and quizzes are waiting for all participants of the event: The Lego world is full of amazing adventures!

Lego Show Packages in Dubai

Foam rubber show:

  • 1 growth doll;
  • 1 presenter;
  • 350 cubes of foam rubber;
  • Musical accompaniment



  • 2 growth dolls;
  • 1 presenter;
  • Game program (with a test of Ninjago swords and Batman's smoke cannon);
  • Giant Lego Construction Site;
  • Relay races with Lego cars and hard hats;
  • Musical accompaniment.


PREMIUM Package:

  • 2 growth dolls;
  • 2 presenters;
  • Giant Lego Construction Site;
  • Relay races with Lego cars and hard hats;
  • Foam show 350 cubes;
  • Musical accompaniment;
  • Disco.

Package «VIP»:

  • PREMIUM Package;
  • + discotheque "tsvetnoy serpentine".


Order a program

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