Puppet show "Snowmen and the sun"

Children's puppet show for the New Year "Snowmen and the Sun" in Dubai

The puppet show for children "Snowmen and the Sun" is designed for children from 3 to 8 years old. A simple, touching and very kind story is suitable for the first acquaintance of children with theatrical art. The performance features 8 characters: 2 snowmen, 2 snowdrops, a bunny, a bear cub, a squirrel and a crow. The duration of the presentation is 35 minutes.

The plot of a winter fairy tale in the UAE

2 Snowmen live in the winter forest. Wise crow said that in the spring the Sun will start to shine, and they will melt. Distressed Snowmen go to find where the sun is hiding. They want to ask that it doesn't come back any longer.

On the way, friends sing a song. They come across a bear cub. He has a cold and is therefore upset. "How cold it is in the forest" The sun would soon come! " — says mishka. He takes the gift of a scarf and wraps it around himself, trying to keep warm.

Snowmen go further and notice a squirrel. The red-haired animal deftly jumps from one branch to another. Friends think that the squirrel is having fun playing, but it is so cold that it jumps with its last strength to get a little warm. Snowmen understand that without the sun in the forest is bad. After giving the forest dweller a handkerchief, the friends go on.

A bunny peeks out from behind a bush. He is hungry, because it is so difficult to get food from under the snow, and the winter is so long! Big Ears asks the snowmen for carrots, but they don't want to give up their noses. Then the scythe pretends to be dead. There is nothing to do, the Snowmen give carrots to the bunny, and he immediately comes to life.

Now the noses of the little men are made of snow. They have to make difficult choices. If the sun comes, they will melt, but if the winter lasts too long, the forest dwellers will suffer: bunny, squirrel, bear cub. Even the wise crow is cold!

The heroes decided that it was better to sacrifice themselves, but save the others. Spring has come, the sun has appeared, the forest dwellers have warmed up, and our heroes have melted. But in their place in the clearing grew beautiful snowdrops. Despite the fact that the main characters turned into water, they did not disappear without a trace, but gave life to plants.

The fairy tale teaches children kindness, compassion and the ability to sacrifice themselves to save their friends. Only by taking into account the interests of others can life on the whole Earth be preserved. The production is accompanied by music and lighting accompaniment. 1 artist works with all dolls. In the finale, viewers can take photos with the characters.

For more information about the puppet show, conditions and requirements for the premises, please call the phone numbers listed on the site, or leave a request online.

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