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Visiting puppet show for children 3-7 years old "The Tale of the Hero, the Princess and the Snake"
The fascinating fairy-tale production "The Tale of the Hero, the Princess and the Snake" lasting 1 hour is recommended for showing to children from 3 to 10 years old. Invite an outdoor puppet show to your school, kindergarten, cafe or home, and your holiday will be unforgettable and bright. The reason for the performance can be any: matinee, New Year, birthday. The children will be not just spectators, but full-fledged participants in the production.
The play is based on the fairy tale "Nikita Kozhemyako".
The plot of a fairy tale in Dubai
Once upon a time, Serpent Gorynych which was feared by both old and young. He caught the king's beautiful daughter Maryushka, dragged her to him and wanted her to become his wife.
Maryushka began to ask the Snake who could defeat him. It turned out that there was a good fellow named Nikita Kozhemyaka. This hero is stronger than the Snake. The princess contrived and sent a message to her parents. The king and queen came to ask the hero for help, but he was afraid to fight with Gorynych. Then the people decided to go for a trick and sent to Nikita small orphaned children, whose parents the Snake hid in his cave.
The orphan's tears made the good fellow feel sorry for him, and he saddled his horse and rode off to fight Gorynych. The battle lasted a long time, and yet Nikita won. He rescued the beautiful princess and brought her to her parents, and the other people returned home to their little children. At the end of the story, everyone rejoices and glorifies the hero.
A good fairy tale teaches good deeds. The performance involves pets who amuse the children with their pranks. Mouse, goat, cockerel, cat, pig and duckling play with children, give them interesting tasks and tell them how to act in different situations. Kids treat a goat and a piglet with leaves.
The most interesting moment of the fairy tale is the appearance of a treasure chest. Children are fascinated to look at and admire the treasures.
The puppet show lasts 30 minutes, and another half hour is reserved for fun games. Children get acquainted with heroic traditions, learn elements of folk dances and guess musical instruments by sound. The youngest try to play on wooden spoons. After the show — a photo session with the characters.
For more information about the puppet show, conditions and requirements for the premises, please call the phone numbers listed on the site, or leave a request online.
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